أبحاث  د / حسن الصناديدى

أبحاث باللغة الأجنبيةالجامعة سنة التخرج
Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Jackets for Ductility Enhancement of Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns with Poor Lap-Splice Detailingحلوان1993
Seismic Design Criteria for Circular Lap-Spliced Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Retrofitted with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Jacketsحلوان1993
Seismic Design Guidelines for Squat Composite Jacketed Circular and Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columnsحلوان1993
Behavior of Cyclically Loaded Squat Reinforced Concrete Bridge Columns Upgraded with Advanced Composite-Material Jacketsحلوان1993
Effect of Blast Loading on CFRP Retrofitted RC Columns sحلوان1993
Blast Analysis of a Typical Reinforced Concrete Building of Riyadhحلوان1993
Progressive Collapse Analysis of a Typical RC Building of Riyadhحلوان1993
Effect of Specimen Size on the Strength of Frp-Confined Concreteحلوان1993
Numerical Analysis for Progressive Collapse Potential of a Typical Framed Concrete Buildingحلوان1993
Progressive Collapse Analysis of a Rc Building Subjected To Blast Loadsحلوان1993
Textile-Reinforced Mortar versus FRP as Strengthening Material for Seismically Deficient RC Beam-Column Jointsحلوان1993
Effect of Blast Loading on Cfrp-Retrofitted Rc Columns– A Numerical Studyحلوان1993
Behavior of Frp-Confined Concrete After High Temperature Exposureحلوان1993
Textile-Reinforced Mortar versus FRP as Strengthening Material for Seismically Deficient RC Beam-Column Jointsحلوان1993
Numerical Study for Retrofitting of RC Columns for Blast Loading - NBM Mediaحلوان1993
Experimental and Numerical Study for the Shear Strengthening of RC Beams Using Textile Reinforced Mortarحلوان1993
Flexural Strengthening of Rc Beams Using Textile Reinforced Mortar– Experimental and Numerical Studyحلوان1993
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Size Effects in Frp-Wrapped Concrete Columnsحلوان1993
Prediction of Strength Parameters of Frp-Confined Concreteحلوان1993
Seismic Evaluation of the ACI Code Provisions for Lap Splicing of Longitudinal Bars in R/C Rectangular Bridge Columnsحلوان1993
Experimental and Numerical Investigation for the Flexural Strengthening of Rc Beams Using Near-Surface Mounted Steel or Gfrp Barsحلوان1993
Prediction of Punching Shear Strength of HSC Interior Slab-Column Connectionsحلوان1993
Flexural Strengthening of Rc Beams Using Textile Reinforced Mortar– Experimental and Numerical Studyحلوان1993
Prediction of Intermediate Crack Debonding Strain of Externally Bonded FRP Laminates in RC Beams and One-Way Slabsحلوان1993
Progressive Collapse Potential of a Typical Steel Building Due To Blast Attacksحلوان1993
Experimental and FE Study on RC One-Way Slabs Upgraded with FRP Compositesحلوان1993
Progressive Collapse Analysis of RC Buildings Against Internal Blastحلوان1993
Shear Strength Prediction of Hsc Slender Beams Without Web Reinforcementحلوان1993
Blast Response of Gfrp-Strengthened Infill Masonry Wallsحلوان1993
Effect of Elevated Temperature Environments on the Residual Axial Capacity of Rc Columns Strengthened With Different Techniquesحلوان1993
Behavior and Design Aspects of Frp-Strengthened Urm Walls Under Out-Of-Plane Loadingحلوان1993
Effect of High Temperature on Structural Response of Reinforced Concrete Circular Columns Strengthened With Fiber Reinforced Polymer Compositesحلوان1993
Investigation of Precast Rc Beam-Column Assemblies Under Column-Loss Scenarioحلوان1993
Strengthening of Precast Rc Beam-Column Connections for Progressive Collapse Mitigation Using Bolted Steel Platesحلوان1993
Experimental Investigation on Vulnerability of Precast RC Beam-column Joints to Progressive Collapseحلوان1993
Behavior of FRP-Strengthened RC Beams with Large Rectangular Web Openings in Flexure Zones: Experimental and Numerical Studyحلوان1993
Experimental and Numerical Study on Frp-Upgraded Rc Beams With Large Rectangular Web Openings in Shear Zonesحلوان1993
Assessment of Progressive Collapse Potential of Special Moment Resisting Rc Frames– Experimental and Fe Studyحلوان1993
ANN Models for Prediction of Residual Strength of Hsc After Exposure to Elevated Temperatureحلوان1993
Organic Versus Inorganic Matrix Composites for Bond-Critical Strengthening Applications of Rc Structures – State-Of-The-Art Reviewحلوان1993
Residual Compressive Strength of High-Strength Concrete Exposed to Elevated Temperaturesحلوان1993
Development Limitations of Compressive Arch And Catenary Actions in Reinforced Concrete Special Moment Resisting Frames Under Column-Loss Scenariosحلوان1993
Investigation of Different Steel Intermediate Moment Frame Connections Under Column-Loss Scenarioحلوان1993
Upgrading of Precast Rc Beam-Column Joints Using Innovative Frp/Steel Hybrid Technique for Progressive Collapse Preventionحلوان1993
Finite Element Analysis for Progressive Collapse Potential of Precast Concrete Beam-To-Column Connections Strengthened With Steel Platesحلوان1993
Hybrid UHPC/NSM CFRB Strips vs. Traditional Systems for Flexural Upgrading of Rc Beams– Experimental and Fe Studyحلوان1993
Effect of Rebar Spacing on the Behavior of Concrete Slabs under Projectile Impactحلوان1993
Progressive Collapse Risk of 2D and 3D Steel-Frame Assemblies Having Shear Connectionsحلوان1993
Simplified Analytical Models for Progressive Collapse Assessment of Precast RC Beam-Column Assemblies Upgraded with Hybrid NSM/FRP Systemحلوان1993
Behavior of Axially Loaded L-Shaped Rc Columns Strengthened Using Steel Jacketingحلوان1993
Residual Compressive Strength of Plain and Fiber Reinforced Concrete After Exposure to Different Heating and Cooling Regimesحلوان1993
New Moment-Resisting Beam-Column Joints to Increase Progressive Collapse Resistance of Precast Concrete Buildingsحلوان1993